Cancer – a small word with a big impact, about which much is said and even more goes unsaid.
These pages start with the calendar of events surrounding Jane’s cancer, which had two distinct phases.
In the months since this web site was first posted I have had some emails asking what exactly I was trying to get at with the two headings of “Feelings” and “Reactions”. I was probably not sure myself, but it seems to be working out along the lines of what people say goes in “Feelings” and what people do goes in “Reactions“. Again, if you wish to contribute to these pages, or feed back opinions and views, please email me.
I am indebted to Sue Ross, Jane’s prayer partner from Ashford days for the first contribution to the “Feelings” page. There is plenty of space for more!
The “Healing” page is Jane’s own testimony, given at a morning service at Lisburn Cathedral, of how she was healed of the first attack of cancer. We were challenged at the time that things should never be the same again. Of course they were not, though not in a manner which we anticipated.